Embracing an Aging Population and Workforce Innovation
With Chris Thomas, Manager, Age Concern South Canterbury
Timaru’s aging population presents both challenges and opportunities. Currently, 24% of our population is aged 65 or older, a proportion expected to increase to one-third by 2048. To address this shift, Chris Thomas, Manager of Age Concern South Canterbury, advocates for a proactive approach, focusing on workforce flexibility, innovative housing solutions, and the adoption of AI technologies.
Chris highlights the importance of fostering an adaptable workforce and promoting intergenerational collaboration to ensure a thriving, sustainable district by 2050. As people live longer and healthier lives, many will continue working past retirement age, making it crucial for the district to adapt its workforce strategies. He envisions a future where the wealth of experience among the baby boomer generation is harnessed to promote knowledge sharing and accelerate the use of advanced technologies, creating a “work smarter, not harder” environment and supporting a balanced quality of life for all. Retention of our next generation is crucial to this success.
As the number of residents aged 80 and older is expected to double by 2048, the demand for services and infrastructure will intensify. Chris advocates for the integration of automation and advanced technologies to help meet these demands, improving self-care and support systems for the aging population. This could include innovations like driverless technology to ease mobility challenges. He stresses the need for an innovation hub that brings together educators, businesses, and community leaders to create forward-thinking solutions.
In housing, a 2024 survey by Venture Timaru revealed that 93% of people aged 65 and older live alone or with one other person, often in larger homes than they need. However, the high cost of downsizing is a barrier for many. Chris proposes shared living arrangements and the development of affordable, accessible, and intergenerational housing as potential solutions. These models would not only address housing needs but also strengthen community connections.
Looking ahead to 2050, Timaru’s success will depend on a collective shift in mindset—one that embraces intergenerational collaboration, innovation, and inclusive housing solutions. By working together, Timaru can ensure a sustainable, vibrant district that benefits all generations.